
All endpoints return sp_api.base.ApiResponse with the following signature. payload contains Amazonโ€™s response.

response = Orders().get_orders(CreatedAfter='TEST_CASE_200', MarketplaceIds=["ATVPDKIKX0DER"])

print(response.payload) # original response data
# Access one of `payload`s properties using `__getattr__`
print(response.Orders) # Array of orders
# Access one of `payload`s properties using `__call__`
print(response('Orders')) # Array of orders
# Shorthand for response.payload
print(response()) # original response data

class sp_api.base.ApiResponse(payload=None, errors=None, pagination=None, headers=None, nextToken=None, **kwargs)๏ƒ

Api Response

Wrapper around all responses from the API.


literal blocks:

response = Orders().get_orders(CreatedAfter='TEST_CASE_200', MarketplaceIds=["ATVPDKIKX0DER"])

print(response.payload) # original response data
# Access one of `payload`s properties using `__getattr__`
print(response.Orders) # Array of orders
# Access one of `payload`s properties using `__call__`
print(response('Orders')) # Array of orders
# Shorthand for response.payload
print(response()) # original response data
  • payload โ€“ dict or list | original response from Amazon

  • errors โ€“ any | contains possible error messages

  • pagination โ€“ any | information about an endpoints pagination

  • headers โ€“ any | headers returned by the API

  • rate_limit โ€“ number | The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit header, if available

  • next_token โ€“ str | The next token used to retrieve the next page, if any

  • kwargs โ€“ any