
class sp_api.api.Services(marketplace: ~sp_api.base.marketplaces.Marketplaces = Marketplaces.US, *, refresh_token=None, account='default', credentials=None, restricted_data_token=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, version=None, credential_providers=None, auth_token_client_class=<class 'sp_api.auth.access_token_client.AccessTokenClient'>)๏ƒ

Services SP-API Client :link:

With the Services API, you can build applications that help service providers get and modify their service orders.

get_service_job_by_service_job_id(self, serviceJobId, **kwargs) ApiResponse๏ƒ

Gets service job details for the service job indicated by the service job identifier you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)




For more information, see โ€œUsage Plans and Rate Limitsโ€ in the Selling Partner API documentation.


serviceJobId โ€“ string | * REQUIRED A service job identifier.

Return type:


cancel_service_job_by_service_job_id(self, serviceJobId, **kwargs) ApiResponse๏ƒ

Cancels the service job indicated by the service job identifier you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)




For more information, see โ€œUsage Plans and Rate Limitsโ€ in the Selling Partner API documentation.

  • serviceJobId โ€“ string | * REQUIRED An Amazon defined service job identifier.

  • cancellationReasonCode (key) โ€“ string | * REQUIRED A cancel reason code that specifies the reason for cancelling a service job.

Return type:


complete_service_job_by_service_job_id(self, serviceJobId, **kwargs) ApiResponse๏ƒ

Completes the service job indicated by the service job identifier you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)




For more information, see โ€œUsage Plans and Rate Limitsโ€ in the Selling Partner API documentation.


serviceJobId โ€“ string | * REQUIRED An Amazon defined service job identifier.

Return type:


get_service_jobs(self, **kwargs) ApiResponse๏ƒ

Gets service job details for the specified filter query.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)




For more information, see โ€œUsage Plans and Rate Limitsโ€ in the Selling Partner API documentation.

  • serviceOrderIds (key) โ€“ array | List of service order ids for the query you want to perform.Max values supported 20.

  • serviceJobStatus (key) โ€“ array | A list of one or more job status by which to filter the list of jobs.

  • pageToken (key) โ€“ string | String returned in the response of your previous request.

  • pageSize (key) โ€“ integer | A non-negative integer that indicates the maximum number of jobs to return in the list, Value must be 1 - 20. Default 20.

  • sortField (key) โ€“ string | Sort fields on which you want to sort the output.

  • sortOrder (key) โ€“ string | Sort order for the query you want to perform.

  • createdAfter (key) โ€“ string | A date used for selecting jobs created after (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format. Required if LastUpdatedAfter is not specified.Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error.

  • createdBefore (key) โ€“ string | A date used for selecting jobs created before (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format.

  • lastUpdatedAfter (key) โ€“ string | A date used for selecting jobs updated after (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format. Required if createdAfter is not specified.Specifying both CreatedAfter and LastUpdatedAfter returns an error.

  • lastUpdatedBefore (key) โ€“ string | A date used for selecting jobs updated before (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format.

  • scheduleStartDate (key) โ€“ string | A date used for filtering jobs schedule after (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format. schedule end date should not be earlier than schedule start date.

  • scheduleEndDate (key) โ€“ string | A date used for filtering jobs schedule before (or at) a specified time must be in ISO 8601 format. schedule end date should not be earlier than schedule start date.

  • marketplaceIds (key) โ€“ array | * REQUIRED Used to select jobs that were placed in the specified marketplaces.

Return type:


add_appointment_for_service_job_by_service_job_id(self, serviceJobId, **kwargs) ApiResponse๏ƒ

Adds an appointment to the service job indicated by the service job identifier you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)




For more information, see โ€œUsage Plans and Rate Limitsโ€ in the Selling Partner API documentation.

  • serviceJobId โ€“ string | * REQUIRED An Amazon defined service job identifier.

  • body โ€“

    { โ€œappointmentTimeโ€: {

    โ€startTimeโ€: โ€œ2019-08-24T14:15:22Zโ€, โ€œdurationInMinutesโ€: 0


  • } โ€“



reschedule_appointment_for_service_job_by_service_job_id(self, serviceJobId, **kwargs) ApiResponse๏ƒ

Reschedules an appointment for the service job indicated by the service job identifier you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)




For more information, see โ€œUsage Plans and Rate Limitsโ€ in the Selling Partner API documentation.

  • serviceJobId โ€“ string | * REQUIRED An Amazon defined service job identifier.

  • appointmentId โ€“ string | * REQUIRED An existing appointment identifier for the Service Job.

  • kwargs โ€“

    Example | >>> {

    โ€appointmentTimeโ€: {

    โ€œstartTimeโ€: โ€œ2019-08-24T14:15:22Zโ€, โ€œdurationInMinutesโ€: 0

    }, โ€œrescheduleReasonCodeโ€: โ€œstringโ€


Return type:
