You can use the playground to test endpoints:
- AplusContent
- Authorization
- ApplicationManagement
- AmazonWarehousingAndDistribution
- Catalog
- CatalogItems
- Data Kiosk
- FbaInboundEligibility
- FbaSmallAndLight
- Feeds
- Finances
- FulfillmentInbound
- FulfillmentOutbound
- Inventories
- ListingsItems
- ListingsRestrictions
- MerchantFulfillment
- Messaging
- Notifications
- Orders
- Restricted Data Token
- Product Fees
- ProductTypeDefinitions
- Products
- Replenishment
- Reports
- Sales
- Sellers
- Services
- Shipping
- Solicitations
- Supply Sources
- Tokens
- Upload
- VendorDirectFulfillmentInventory
- VendorDirectFulfillmentOrders
- VendorDirectFulfillmentPayments
- VendorDirectFulfillmentShipping
- VendorDirectFulfillmentTransactions
- VendorInvoices
- VendorOrders
- VendorShipments
- VendorTransactionStatus