- class sp_api.api.VendorInvoices(marketplace: ~sp_api.base.marketplaces.Marketplaces = Marketplaces.US, *, refresh_token=None, account='default', credentials=None, restricted_data_token=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, version=None, credential_providers=None, auth_token_client_class=<class 'sp_api.auth.access_token_client.AccessTokenClient'>)
VendorInvoices SP-API Client :link:
The Selling Partner API for Retail Procurement Payments provides programmatic access to vendors payments data.
- submit_invoices(self, data, **kwargs) ApiResponse
Submit new invoices to Amazon.
Usage Plans:
Rate (requests per second)
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation. Rate limits for some selling partners will vary from the default rate and burst shown in the table above. For more information, see “Usage Plans and Rate Limits” in the Selling Partner API documentation.
- Parameters:
{ –
- “invoices”: [
- {
“invoiceType”: “Invoice”, “id”: “string”, “referenceNumber”: “string”, “date”: “2019-08-24T14:15:22Z”, “remitToParty”: {
”partyId”: “string”, “address”: {
”name”: “string”, “addressLine1”: “string”, “addressLine2”: “string”, “addressLine3”: “string”, “city”: “string”, “county”: “string”, “district”: “string”, “stateOrRegion”: “string”, “postalOrZipCode”: “string”, “countryCode”: “st”, “phone”: “string”
}, “taxRegistrationDetails”: [
- {
“taxRegistrationType”: “VAT”, “taxRegistrationNumber”: “string”
}, “shipToParty”: {
”partyId”: “string”, “address”: {
”name”: “string”, “addressLine1”: “string”, “addressLine2”: “string”, “addressLine3”: “string”, “city”: “string”, “county”: “string”, “district”: “string”, “stateOrRegion”: “string”, “postalOrZipCode”: “string”, “countryCode”: “st”, “phone”: “string”
}, “taxRegistrationDetails”: [
- {
“taxRegistrationType”: “VAT”, “taxRegistrationNumber”: “string”
}, “shipFromParty”: {
”partyId”: “string”, “address”: {
”name”: “string”, “addressLine1”: “string”, “addressLine2”: “string”, “addressLine3”: “string”, “city”: “string”, “county”: “string”, “district”: “string”, “stateOrRegion”: “string”, “postalOrZipCode”: “string”, “countryCode”: “st”, “phone”: “string”
}, “taxRegistrationDetails”: [
- {
“taxRegistrationType”: “VAT”, “taxRegistrationNumber”: “string”
}, “billToParty”: {
”partyId”: “string”, “address”: {
”name”: “string”, “addressLine1”: “string”, “addressLine2”: “string”, “addressLine3”: “string”, “city”: “string”, “county”: “string”, “district”: “string”, “stateOrRegion”: “string”, “postalOrZipCode”: “string”, “countryCode”: “st”, “phone”: “string”
}, “taxRegistrationDetails”: [
- {
“taxRegistrationType”: “VAT”, “taxRegistrationNumber”: “string”
}, “paymentTerms”: {
”type”: “Basic”, “discountPercent”: “string”, “discountDueDays”: 0, “netDueDays”: 0
}, “invoiceTotal”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxDetails”: [
- {
“taxType”: “CGST”, “taxRate”: “string”, “taxAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxableAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
], “additionalDetails”: [
- {
“type”: “SUR”, “detail”: “string”, “languageCode”: “string”
], “chargeDetails”: [
- {
“type”: “Freight”, “description”: “string”, “chargeAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxDetails”: [
- {
“taxType”: “CGST”, “taxRate”: “string”, “taxAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxableAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
], “allowanceDetails”: [
- {
“type”: “Discount”, “description”: “string”, “allowanceAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxDetails”: [
- {
“taxType”: “CGST”, “taxRate”: “string”, “taxAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxableAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
], “items”: [
- {
“itemSequenceNumber”: 0, “amazonProductIdentifier”: “string”, “vendorProductIdentifier”: “string”, “invoicedQuantity”: {
”amount”: 0, “unitOfMeasure”: “Cases”, “unitSize”: 0
}, “netCost”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “purchaseOrderNumber”: “string”, “hsnCode”: “string”, “creditNoteDetails”: {
”referenceInvoiceNumber”: “string”, “debitNoteNumber”: “string”, “returnsReferenceNumber”: “string”, “goodsReturnDate”: “2019-08-24T14:15:22Z”, “rmaId”: “string”, “coopReferenceNumber”: “string”, “consignorsReferenceNumber”: “string”
}, “taxDetails”: [
- {
“taxType”: “CGST”, “taxRate”: “string”, “taxAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxableAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
], “chargeDetails”: [
- {
“type”: “Freight”, “description”: “string”, “chargeAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxDetails”: [
- {
“taxType”: “CGST”, “taxRate”: “string”, “taxAmount”: {}, “taxableAmount”: {}
], “allowanceDetails”: [
- {
“type”: “Discount”, “description”: “string”, “allowanceAmount”: {
”currencyCode”: “string”, “amount”: “string”
}, “taxDetails”: [
- {
“taxType”: “CGST”, “taxRate”: “string”, “taxAmount”: {}, “taxableAmount”: {}
- Return type: