Retry Decorators

util.retry(exception_classes=None, tries=10, delay=5, rate=1.3)

Retry a call against an endpoint <tries> time

  • exception_classes – tuple | The Exceptions to be caught

  • tries – int | How often the call should be retried

  • delay – float | The delay after an error was caught

  • rate – float | The rate to increment delay by


util.sp_retry(tries=10, delay=5, rate=1.3)

This is a shorthand for retry that catches all exceptions thrown by this library

Retry a call against an endpoint <tries> time :param exception_classes: :param tries: :param delay: :param rate:


util.throttle_retry(tries=10, delay=5, rate=1.3)

This is a shorthand for retry that catches SellingApiRequestThrottledException

Retry a call against an endpoint <tries> time :param exception_classes: :param tries: :param delay: :param rate:


The example below will retry the call when a throttled exception was thrown:

@throttle_retry(tries=10, delay=5, rate=1.3)
def get_orders(**kwargs):
    return Orders().get_orders(**kwargs)

The example below will return all pages, retrying each call up to <times> times

@sp_retry(tries=10, delay=10, rate=1.2)
def get_orders(**kwargs):
    return Orders().get_orders(**kwargs)